Sunday, June 28, 2020
How to Find Good Essay Topics
<h1>How to Find Good Essay Topics</h1><p>The web is incredible for discovering content for any exposition, yet it's stunningly better for discovering great substance for social critique article themes. There are a huge number of sites that have incredible substance to use as an essential exposition point. What's more, on the off chance that you are considering how to discover them, there are a couple of various approaches. You can utilize a web search tool to search for your subjects, however it tends to be a long process.</p><p></p><p>The first thing you have to do to search for incredible substance on your paper points is to utilize a web index. In the event that you utilize a web crawler for a particular point, that implies you may be searching for the subjects that identify with what you're expounding on. For instance, in case you're composing an article about wellbeing and wellness, you can limit your quest for themes to just wellbeing a nd wellness related substance. In any case, in case you're searching for blog entries or articles, you will be looking through numerous sites that aren't wellbeing related. To help evade this, you can attempt to limit your pursuit with keywords.</p><p></p><p>A watchword express is the thing that individuals type into the hunt box when they need to discover content. What's more, since you can look for any catchphrase expression, you should attempt to ensure that you put in various words and expressions. For instance, in case you're searching for wellbeing and wellness, take a stab at making statements like wellbeing and wellness, work out, wellbeing tips, weight reduction, and wellbeing issues.</p><p></p><p>Another approach to limit your inquiry is to include a space after the watchwords. So rather than wellbeing and wellness, have a go at saying medical problems. This will assist you with eliminating the measure of searches you need to do to locate the best content.</p><p></p><p>You can likewise attempt Google or Yahoo web search tools to search for some extraordinary substance on your exposition subjects. These web indexes use calculations to discover the entirety of the best articles and websites. Yet, surprisingly better, these web crawlers will feature their outcomes dependent on the notoriety of the website.</p><p></p><p>The most ideal approach to discover articles that are elegantly composed and give valuable exposition points is to utilize a paper diagram. A layout encourages you compose your exposition points by giving you a focal spot to begin your article. By utilizing a framework, you can consider what you will write in the principal passage, what you will write in the subsequent section, etc. Furthermore, in light of the fact that your paper point can contain different passages, a diagram can assist you with isolating each section out.</p><p> </p><p>These are only a couple of approaches to scan for good exposition themes. You can utilize a lot more to locate the substance that you have to compose your own paper on any topic.</p>
Friday, June 19, 2020
Marketing Plan #2 - 3850 Words
Marketing Plan #2 (Other (Not Listed) Sample) Content: Marketing PlanNameProfessorInstitutionCourseDateExecutive summaryThis project is a marketing plan for an assisted living facility concept. The main purpose of this document is put out the nature of the facility, the trends in the market and the potential competitors. This document further introduces the assisted living concept and the ways in which it plans to differentiate itself and its activities in the market place as well as ways it plans to curve out a niche to support its future growth and expansion. The marketing model is defined and detailed to show the unique features and facilities offered and it further describes the crucial features that will distinguish it from its rivals. The operating plan, the management plan, the marketing plan, the economics and the projected financial situations for both the initial operations as well as the facility development are also included.The two most important elements of this form of venture that will ultimately determine its success are the marketing model and the real estate development for the actual assisted living facility concept. The chosen manager will ultimately supervise and oversee each of the activities involved in the plan. However, pertinent industry professionals will also be consulted and engaged to improve the chances for overall success. One of the ideal exit strategies will be to sell the facilityà ¢Ã¢â ¬s services to a strategic buyer. This buyer would be one of the largest national and international retirement living companies. This is because the industry continues to witness significant consolidation both in domestic markets and abroad.The Marketing EnvironmentMarket research and analysisFor a business to be successful in tits endeavors it has to carry out a market research in order to stay in line with the changing market trends and retain a competitive edge (Namazi Chafetz, 2000). While researching about the marketability of its services the facility engaged Community B uilders, Inc. (CBI). The CBI was tasked to prepare a Longà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã Term Care Market Analysis on behalf of the facility. The CBI Longà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã Term Care Market report indicated that there was already a sufficient market demand to fill the Assisted Living Facility up to 90% by the time it was fully completed. There is a sufficient number of eligible constituents who need the services of an Assisted Living Facility. These individualsà ¢Ã¢â ¬ incomes and home values are enough allowing them to afford the services and the costs of the facility.The market growth trendThe CBI Longà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã Term Care Market Analysis in its research used the most current and up to date information available. The research analyzed the market demand where they used the year 2013 as the base year. The research analysis report indicated that the facility, if it was operational immediately, there was a high likelihood of it filling up to capacity. In using relevant population projections and dem ographic trends, the CBI report further indicated that the facility would have increasing and sufficient demand in the future allowing it to operate at full capacity throughout. This is indicated in the table below.Market Growth Analysis Demand for the Assisted Living Facility The market area Primary Secondary Tertiary All areas Year State 1 State 2 State 3 State 4 Total 2013 20 7 1 1 29 2014 20 7 1 1 29 2015 21 7 1 2 31 2016 22 8 1 2 33 2017 22 9 1 3 35 2018 22 10 2 3 37 According to the table there was already more demand (29) for units in 2013 than what the facility is preparing to roll out in its first phase. The analysis further indicated that each year the demand rate for the services grows by approximately 10%. According to the CBI Longà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã Term Care Market Report, the long term projection is that the market demand that constitutes majorly of the elderly population is likely to continue growing every year up to at least 2030.Competitive forcesCompetition is importan t for success to be achieved in a market economy as it helps in the provision of the best market products and services at fair prices (Connell, 2004). The assisted living industry has been characterized by a slow and steady growth. Most of the new entrants in this industry has largely been comprised of real estate developers. This group of developers is not only interested at the rate of growth of the long term care business, but also at the potential capital gains to be realized on the real estate investment itself. The field of assisted living is a highly fragmented industry meaning it has very few but large players. Most of the existing players in the industry are relatively undifferentiated leading to low diversity. This provides a greater and better opportunity for this facility to differentiate.In the facilityà ¢Ã¢â ¬s primary market area there are no other assisted living facilities. However, there exist other forms of elder housing schemes in the area. These schemes are h owever facing difficulties since their form of service involves providing or contracting other high levels of care than they are licensed for, due to the fact that there are no assisted living facilities in the area currently (Hawes, Phillips, Rose, Holan Sherman, 2013). In the secondary market area there are two licensed assisted living facilities which are: * Faithwind Assisted Living Communityà ¢Ã¢â ¬ This facility contains 70 units within which there are 100 beds. 64 of the units are currently occupied. This translates to 94% occupancy. * Benedicta Assisted Living facilityà ¢Ã¢â ¬ This Christian based facility has 55 units which comprise of 80 beds. 37 of the units are currently occupied. This translates to 68% unit occupancy).As for its tertiary Market Area there exist 20 licensed assisted living facilities. All of these facilities have recorded an occupancy rate of between 70% and 90%.Target marketThe facilityà ¢Ã¢â ¬s relevant market is for residents of both male a nd female gender who are aged above 60 years. Better customers will be the ones who have a retirement household income in the $40,000-$70,000 range or higher.According to a survey by Hawes et al (2013), the total population of individuals aged above 60 years in the United States in 2008 was 3,819,000. This represented approximately 15% of the total American population. In the facilityà ¢Ã¢â ¬s primary market area the population of people above 60 years in 2008 was 500,000. This represented 14.9% of the total population of 4,204,000 in the primary market area.The growth in number of the people above 60 years is expected to continue increasing as the present parenting generation start entering the retirement years (Sandra, 2004). Looking back at the American statistics the growth rate of people above 60 years has been approximately 1.5% per year. Looking into the future the rate will most likely to edge closer to 2% per year (Hawes et al, 2013). In this regard, the estimated p opulation of the facilityà ¢Ã¢â ¬s primary market area of people above 60 years would be approximately 800,000. This is 20% of the areaà ¢Ã¢â ¬s projected total population. While it is reasonable to believe that this percentage will most likely increase overtime as the concept of assisted living becomes more refined and the government moves in to increase its support further, in the interest of conservatism this reportà ¢Ã¢â ¬s analysis assumes no change.SWOT analysisThe SWOT analysis provides sketch information of a companyà ¢Ã¢â ¬s position in a particular market place (Allen, 2004).StrengthsThe assisted living facility will boast of well designed structures with extra additions like assigning more storage space to lower-level drawers and cabinets. The doors will also be installed with lever-style door handles. This will serve the purpose of meeting the needs of seniors who would prefer living as independent as possible. The rooms will also contain walk-in closets. The se are not only meant to imply luxury but they also make it easier for the residents to decide on their own what they want to put on. When adult children witness these features they will be assured that their aging parents will be well taken care of. Prospective customers will also be aware of the facilityà ¢Ã¢â ¬s comfort. The facility will also offer specialized care for those residents with dementia, memory loss and Alzheimerà ¢Ã¢â ¬s disease.WeaknessesComing up with structures in an assisted living facility costs a lot of money. Therefore, accessing capital services is likely to constrain the growth of the facility. Other expenses such as liability insurance drain on the facilityà ¢Ã¢â ¬s revenue and thus hindering it from being cost-effective. The lack of already trained workers can also limit the prospects of the facility. The facility will be forced to pay more to train the staff or import staff from other areas. This increases the costs incurred which may have a neg ative impact on the customer experience in the long run.OpportunitiesThe existing economic forces place assisted living facilities in a strong position. Demand for their services is growing faster than supply (Watson, Garrett, Sloane, Gruber-Baldini Zimmerman, 2003). This is can be attributed to the fact that the population is aging faster than the availability of assisted living facilities being constructed. This means that the expansion is not likely to face same market risk as witnessed by other industries. Another ...
Thursday, June 18, 2020
List of Good Persuasive Essay Topics
<h1>List of Good Persuasive Essay Topics</h1><p>You have perused the rundown of good enticing paper subjects, and now you have to utilize it to build up your own rundown. You would prefer not to utilize your old rundown of points from secondary school or school to compose this article. You need something that is new and new to tempt and persuade the peruser that your sentiments and thoughts are correct.</p><p></p><p>A subject that can be utilized to make a solid point will be better than one that will just get you by. There are numerous things that will be more speaking to the peruser than an article that was not all around explored or one that had the same old thing to say.</p><p></p><p>One of the most ideal approaches to think of a rundown of good convincing paper points is to just ask yourself. Ask yourself how you will expound on specific points, and what sort of themes you can utilize. When you have your rundown o f points, at that point you can start to conceptualize for themes. When you have picked a couple of these subjects, at that point you should compose your paper.</p><p></p><p>There are various kinds of themes that you can use in your paper. You should know a tad about each kind of theme before you can figure out which one is the best. For instance, in the event that you know a great deal about the point, at that point this will assist you with picking a convincing paper theme that will profit you in a larger number of ways than one.</p><p></p><p>However, in the event that you have no clue about what sort of subject will be best for you, at that point you won't have the option to figure out which influential article subject will be best for you. There are a wide range of subjects that you can look over, and you ought not feel like you need to stay with only one. Rather, attempt a wide range of subjects so as to show signs of improvement thought of what kind of themes will be most successful.</p><p></p><p>The most significant thing to recall is that you should utilize the strategies that will work for you and what will be best. You ought not feel that you need to utilize certain procedures or strategies that are not suitable for your composing style. You ought to likewise attempt to compose however much as could be expected in the current state, except if you realize that the topic can't be demonstrated before or future.</p><p></p><p>The same guideline applies to everything else that is in your own life. On the off chance that you have kids, at that point you ought to consistently utilize the current state. In the event that you have been hitched previously, at that point you ought to never use past tense.</p><p></p><p>Using the rundown of good influential exposition subjects will assist you with figuring out which strategies will be best for yo u. You ought to consistently compose however much as could reasonably be expected utilizing the methods that you know are best. Keep in mind, utilizing the procedures that are generally proper to your topic will bring about a greatly improved enticing exposition than utilizing the methods that are less effective.</p>
Thursday, June 4, 2020
What Are IELTS Essay Samples?
<h1>What Are IELTS Essay Samples?</h1><p>If you are learning at a certify establishment and need to compose an exposition, at that point the British Council IELTS English Language paper tests will be a major assistance. The IELTS test is a proportion of an understudy's English abilities. It is utilized by managers and schools to survey an understudy's English skills.</p><p></p><p>By taking the article tests for the IELTS test, you will get the essential principles and structures in the most fundamental structure. You will likewise realize how to design your article as per the essential rules.</p><p></p><p>If you have just taken the IELTS test yet are not extremely certain on what you ought to compose, at that point you can take the paper test for the test. Along these lines, you will recognize what sorts of structures to utilize. It will likewise assist you with composing better on the off chance that you don't have so mebody assisting you with it.</p><p></p><p>The article tests for the IELTS test are not restricted to composing. It additionally incorporates talking, tuning in, perusing, composing, and talking. You can likewise figure out how to utilize every one of these abilities during your test planning. You will have the option to accept it as an example, which can be useful to see how the test is conducted.</p><p></p><p>Speaking and perusing is fundamentally a method of testing an understudy's capacity to peruse and compose. Perusing is viewed as the establishment of the test. By talking, you will have the option to tell the educator that you have comprehended a piece of the test. You will likewise have the option to record your reaction, so as to have the option to proceed the test.</p><p></p><p>Another ability that the articles will show you is composing. By composing, you will have the option to comprehend the passage s that you needto fill and compose on your test, however you won't need to stress over composing the entirety of the blunders that will be there on the IELTS test.</p><p></p><p>In expansion to that, the papers will likewise show you the best approach to peruse and compose. You will have the option to perceive how the more perplexing variants of the article are composed. That is the reason it is essential to see how the paper test works.</p><p></p><p>The British Council has picked the IELTS test article tests to help individuals who need to compose great papers. It will be an exceptionally valuable device to take as a sample.</p>
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